Section 6

SECTION 5: Reverse Osmosis (RO) Membranes
WaterWorld USA - Buy Reverse Osmosis (RO) Membranes
  • Available in a variety of sizes and flow rates to meet a wide range of applications
  • Highest quality water
  • Industry’s longest lasting and most reliable performance
  • Choose from tap water (TW), brackish water (BW), low energy (LE and XLE) and seawater (SW) to fit your need

6.1: Patriot® Residential RO Membranes

Patriot Reverse Osmosis Membrane Elements

Patriot Reverse Osmosis (RO) Membranes are made of thin layered Polyamide composite materials. These high-performance RO membrane elements are used on a wide range of system applications. They are packaged dry for prolonged shelf life.


  • Greater durability and life than regular home drinking water elements
  • Performs at higher TDS
  • Higher rejection rates
  • High pH tolerance


  • Residential and office RO Systems
  • Laboratory or Hospital RO Systems
  • Hydroponic or Fish Tank RO Systems

Materials of Construction:

  • Membrane: Thin Layered Polyamide Composite
  • Operating Temp: 77 F (25 C), Max Temp: 45 C

PATRIOT® Residential RO Membranes

Item Filter Size *Flow Rate Applied Pressure TDS Rejection* Box Qty.
MEM-PTRO1812-50 1.8″ X 12″ 50 GPD 60 PSI 98% @ 250 PPM 25
MEM-PTRO1812-75 75 GPD 98 @ 250 PPM 25
MEM-PTRO1812-100 100 GPD 98% @ 250 PPM 25

* Specifications are nominal, intended for reference only. Filter life depends on operating conditions.

Warning: Do not use with water that is microbiologically unsafe or of unknown quality without adequate disinfection before and/or after the system.

Don’t see it? We’ve probably got it. Just feel free to contact our sales department with any requirements.

6.2: FILMTEC® Residential RO Membranes


  • Higher rejection rates
  • Greater durability and life than cellulose (CTA) membranes
  • Higher water purification (approximately 20%) tested at 50 psi than others tested at 60 psi
  • Higher pH tolerance
  • NSF/ANSI Standard 58 listed
  • Lower replacement costs & easier maintenance


  • Home drinking water systems
  • Laboratory

    FILMTEC® Residential Membranes

    Item Filter Size Production** Box Qty.
    MEM-TW301812-24 1.8″ X 12″ 24 GPD @ 50 PSI 25
    MEM-TW301812-36 36 GPD @ 50 PSI 25
    MEM-TW301812-50 50 GPD @ 50 PSI 25
    MEM-TW301812-100 100 GPD @ 50 PSI 25
    *MEM-BW601812-75 75 GPD @ 50 PSI 25

    *New Residential Brackish Water Element

    **At 77º F, actual results may vary. Call for parts not listed.

    Don’t see it? We’ve probably got it. Just feel free to contact our sales department with any requirements.

    6.3: OSMOTIK® Residential Brackish Water Membrnes


    • Spiral-wound design
    • Performs better than regular elements at higher TDS
    • Higher rejection rates
    • Greater durability and life than regular home drinking water elements
    • Higher pH tolerance
    • NSF/ANSI Standard 58 listed
    • Flow rates of 50, 75 and 100 gpd @ 60 psi


    • Residential and office drinking water systems
    • Laboratory

      OSMOTIK® Residential Brackish Membranes

      Item Size Production* Box Qty.
      MEM-181250BW 1.8″ X 12″ 50 GPD @ 60 PSI 50
      MEM-181275BW 1.8″ X 12″ 75 GPD @ 60 PSI 50
      MEM-1812100BW 1.8″ X 12″ 100 GPD @ 60 PSI 50

      *At 77º F, actual results may vary. Call for parts not listed.

      Don’t see it? We’ve probably got it. Just feel free to contact our sales department with any requirements.

      6.4: Commercial RO Membranes

      Patriot Reverse Osmosis Membrane Elements

      Commercial RO membranes are fiberglass wrapped for durability, and operate at 150 psi. Available in standard 2.5” and 4” diameter sizes.


      • Fiber Glass wrapped
      • Performs at higher TDS
      • Higher rejection rates
      • High pH tolerance


      • Commercial and Light Industrial water plants
      • Water Stores
      • Food Processing
      • Car Washes
      • Pharmaceutical

      Materials of Construction:

      • Membrane: Thin Layered Polyamide Composite
      • Brine Seal, O-Rings: EPDM
      • Wrap: Polyester tape
      • Operating Temp: 77 F (25 C), Max Temp: 45 C

      Commercial RO Membranes

      Item Element Size* Flow Rate* Applied Pressure* TDS Rejection
      MEM-PTRO21-2521 2.5” X 21” 300 GPD 150 PSI 99.0% @ 1,500 PPM
      MEM-PTRO21-2540 2.5” X 40” 750 GPD 150 PSI 99.0% @ 1,500 PPM
      MEM-PTRO21-4021 4” X 21” 950 GPD 150 PSI 99.0% @ 1,500 PPM
      MEM-PTRO21-4040 4” X 40” 2,600 GPD 150 PSI 99.5% @ 1,500 PPM
      MEM-PTRO11-4040 (not NSF) 4” X 40” 2,600 GPD 100 PSI 99.2% @ 500 PPM
      MEM-PTRO11-3012 (not NSF) 3″ x 12″ 500 GPD 100 PSI 98.0% @ 500 PPM

      * Specifications are nominal, intended for reference only. Filter life depends on operating conditions.

      Warning: Do not use with water that is microbiologically unsafe or of unknown quality without adequate disinfection before and/or after the system.

      Don’t see it? We’ve probably got it. Just feel free to contact our sales department with any requirements.

      6.5: FILMTEC® Commercial Tap Water RO Membranes

            Filmtec® Commercial Tap Water RO Membranes

            ITEM # SIZE Production * Rejection Rate At TDS*
            MEM-TW30-2026 2" X 26" 220 GPD @ 225 PSI 99.5% at 2,000 PPM
            MEM-TW30-2514 2.5" X 14" 200 GPD @ 225 PSI 99.5% at 2,000 PPM
            MEM-TW30-2521 2.5" X 21" 325 GPD @ 225 PSI 99.5% at 2,000 PPM
            MEM-TW30-2540 2.5" X 40" 850 GPD @ 225 PSI 99.5% at 2,000 PPM
            MEM-TW30-4014 4" X 14" 525 GPD @ 225 PSI 99.5% at 2,000 PPM
            MEM-TW30-4021 4" X 21" 900 GPD @ 225 PSI 99.5% at 2,000 PPM
            MEM-TW30-4040 4" X 40" 2,400 GPD @ 225 PSI 99.5% at 2,000 PPM

            Don’t see it? We’ve probably got it. Just feel free to contact our sales department with any requirements.

            6.6: FILMTEC® Commercial Brackish Water Ro Membranes

                  Filmtec® Commercial Brackish Water Ro Membranes

                  ITEM # SIZE Production * Rejection Rate At TDS*
                  MEM-BW30-2540 2.5" X 40" 1000 GPD @ 225 PSI 99.7% at 2,000 PPM
                  MEM-BW30-4040 4" X 40" 2,600 GPD @ 225 PSI 99.7% at 2,000 PPM
                  MEM-LE-4040 4" X 40" 2,600 GPD @ 150 PSI 99.5% at 2,000 PPM

                  Don’t see it? We’ve probably got it. Just feel free to contact our sales department with any requirements.

                  6.7: FILMTEC® Low Energy Ro Membranes

                        Filmtec® Low Energy Ro Membranes

                        ITEM # SIZE Production * Rejection Rate At TDS*
                        MEM-XLE-2521 2.5" X 21" 365 GPD @ 100 PSI 99.0% at 500 PPM
                        MEM-XLE-2540 2.5" X 40" 850 GPD @ 100 PSI 99.0% at 500 PPM
                        MEM-XLE-4021 4" X 21" 1,025 GPD @ 100 PSI 99.0% at 500 PPM
                        MEM-XLE-4040 4" X 40" 2,600 GPD @ 100 PSI 99.0% at 500 PPM

                        Don’t see it? We’ve probably got it. Just feel free to contact our sales department with any requirements.

                        6.8: FILMTEC® Low Pressure RO Membranes

                              FILMTEC® Low Pressure RO Membranes

                              ITEM # SIZE Production * Rejection Rate At TDS*
                              ITEM # SIZE Production * REJECTION RATE AT TDS*
                              MEM-ULP21-4040 4" X 40" 2,400 GPD @ 150 PSI 99.0% at 1,500 PPM
                              MEM-ULP11-4040 4" X 40" 2,700 GPD @ 150 PSI 98.0% at 1,500 PPM
                              MEM-ULP31-4040 4" X 40" 1,900 GPD @ 150 PSI 99.4% at 1,500 PPM
                              MEM-ULP21-4021 4" X 21" 950 GPD @ 150 PSI 99.0% at 1,500 PPM
                              MEM-ULP21-2540 2.5" X 40" 750 GPD @ 150 PSI 99.0% at 1,500 PPM
                              MEM-ULP21-2521 2.5" X 21" 300 GPD @ 150 PSI 99.0% at 1,500 PPM

                              Don’t see it? We’ve probably got it. Just feel free to contact our sales department with any requirements.